Kerpen – a home for many migrants

In mayor Biehler’s municipal office, we had a presentation by the representative of the United Nations for the life, travelling, conditions and the risks of a young migrant. He told us his story of his childhood when he had to leave and seek help from other countries around the world. He went to many countries but no one wanted to help him. When he arrived in Germany, he was happy because they provided him with basic living conditions and they decided to help him.

His origin is from Iraq. He also described the difficulties he had to face while travelling without food and water. The migrant thanked Germany which was the only country to provide him a place to stay at the migrants camp. He described the room in which he lived in that camp. There he met a lot of friends, which also had their own story to tell. He told us that he had been in Macedonia for a short period of time and he had a good time in here. Now he lives in Koln where he works and has everything that he needs.

His origin is from Iraq. He also described the difficulties he had to face while travelling without food and water. The migrant thanked Germany which was the only country to provide him a place to stay at the migrants camp. He described the room in which he lived in that camp. There he met a lot of friends, which also had their own story to tell. He told us that he had been in Macedonia for a short period of time and he had a good time in here. Now he lives in Koln where he works and has everything that he needs.